With this update we have reworked the TravelVu app from ground up with newer technology. The overall philosophy is that users shouldn't note this update so it follows the same design as TravelVu 2.x, but with a few minor exceptions:

  • Calendar now displays like an actual calendar view of dates rather than a list of dates. We believe this will give a better overview.
  • Input fields in the background survey section uses a slightly different design where a line below the field marks where you can input text rather than having a light blue background. This makes it more consistent with for example the input field to change distance of a trip.
  • To insert into a trip we for now refer to using the split tool instead and as a consequence the pen menu has also been omitted.
  • Better support for text zoom settings in Android/iOS (improves accessibility). Studies has shown that as many as 1/3 of users uses a non-default text zoom setting on their device.

Due to changes in the Android platform, the app no longer will use Exact alarms as parts of its internal mechanism to moderate between power-save mode or engaging the GPS. This may slightly reduce the accuracy, but unfortunately the consequence of a change in policy outside the control of TravelVu.

The update is backward compatible with TravelVu 2.9 and is distributed to current users of TravelVu via App Store and Google Play.

The update is rolled out over time and not all users get it at the same date.