In this version we've improved questionnaires on trips. It is now easier to see which trip the questions are asked about and you can even tap on the header to view more about that trip including the map.
There has also been a work on making it possible to make questionnaires with more detailed conditions on when to ask them. For example only car trips longer than 5 km.
We also made it possible to have even shorter questionnaires of only one page.
We know, getting asked questions about specific trips can be tiresome if we ask about too many trips. Therefore we want to make it as easy as possible to answer these questions and be as specific as possible on which trips we ask about to only ask where the value is greatest to improve understanding of how the transport system is being used.
2.4.3 Update - released on 20 September 2021
In this update we've improved the stability and appearance of the 2.4 release, but do not add any major new features.
- It is now possible to insert trip/activity into trips without geographic data
- When viewing a trip or activity with no geographic data the warning/error that there is no map data is now shown in a banner instead of an alert dialogue that you have to close.
- On Android one dialogue to update location permission to allow usage in background was English-only and has now been translated.
- Other UI and stability improvements
2.4.4 Update on Android - released on 30 September 2021
Fixes two problems that affect some Android 11 devices as well as two minor usability improvements for everyone on Android. This release has not been published on iOS yet as the most important fixes are for Android specific bugs.
- Solves a bug with changing survey that occur on some Android 11 phones
- Solves a bug on some Android 11 devices that after having turned off logging and enabled it again new trips won't show up.
- Activities without gps-data now show a note about that
- Ongoing activities/trips no longer shows an end time 01:00 year 1970 in edit time view.